Mint Hill Yoga

Traveling Yoga for EveryBody

Class Registration

Private Lessons Always Available. Please email for details.


 Series Class Registration

 Bettie and Karen are taking a break from public group classes until further notice due to personal family challenges. 



  1. Hello, I’ve never attended before. I would like to sign up for the Monday 10:30 class, how can I do that?

  2. Go to the Registration page and scroll down to Diane’s 5 Class Pass and purchase it. It is good for 2 months for any class Diane teaches. BTW, Diane is adding a Tuesday 7pm class in March! Welcome!

  3. Is there no individual class pricing? I just want to try one to see if I like it before purchasing 5.

  4. Then just show up and pay the teacher $15 cash for a drop in. Drop ins are first come first served on a space available basis. There is no preregistration available for those. Bettie

  5. I used to take the Curvy Yoga class with Gina. Does she still teach her class?
    Thank you.

  6. Hi,
    I have some experience with yoga and am interested in getting back into the practice. I have MS and am looking for something that would be challenging with out being too challenging. I am not interested in hot yoga because of the MS. Yet, I am mobile and am looking for a method of exercise that would keep me so while increasing my muscle tone and strength. I think yoga might be the ticket I am looking for.
    Also, no where on your site did I see a list of your pricing structure. If you would be so kind as to send that to me, I would greatly appreciate it.

  7. S sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you! I have been fighting Russian spam. Gina has moved to Texas. All of our classes are Curvy friendly, so please pick the time on the schedule that suits you and visit!

  8. Hi Susan. So sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you! I am fighting my way through nearly 100K of crazy Russian spam.
    We do not offer hot yoga of any kind, as research indicates it is dangerous for many people, so that is not an issue. If you check our Registration page, our prices are explained. We charge $15 for a drop in and $55 for a Class Pass and Series.
    I hope you haven’t given up on us, and that we will see you soon! Bettie

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