Mint Hill Yoga

Traveling Yoga for EveryBody

The Closing of Our Sweet Physical Space


Hello EveryBody.

This is a difficult note to write. 

After long and painful consideration and discussions with my husband, the decision has been made to close our sweet studio space and go all virtual. This has been a heart wrenching choice. We have no plans to reopen an in person studio, though I do intend to offer in person classes at various venues around town.

 Let me be perfectly clear. Mint Hill Yoga IS NOT CLOSING. I am continuing to offer public practices each week via Zoom, and everyone is welcome to join in. Cost is $50 for a 5 class series online. Registration is available here on the website. Just click on the Virtual Class Registration tab to sign up. You will receive a link to the Zoom class once we receive your registration. I will also be offering in person classes at Stevens Creek Nature Center now that the Covid situation has largely passed. Those classes are $60 for 4 1 hour sessions. Drop ins are available if space permits. Please call before you come in that case. I would hate to turn anyone away due to lack of space. Private lessons are always available, should you so desire. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions. Our phone number remains 704-835-0894. Please leave a message and I will get back to you within 24 hours. Thanks so much for your kindness, prayers, and support. Namaskar. 


Bettie Alston Shea, Owner, Mint Hill Yoga

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